A simage of eyes by Erik Adigard, M-A-D

SIMAGE  : We use our hands with our left brain to make. We use our eyes with our right brain to make sense.

EL Lissitzky : The book is the monument of the future.

 SIMAGE : There is no step at all between ear, hand, and eye. Lissitzky regarded the book as a dynamic object that called for “unity of acoustics and optics,” and required the viewer’s active involvement. This prediction has become commonplace with mobile devices. The materiality and sound of paper has been replaced by the sharpness, colors, speed, and sonic range of retina displays.

 Sebastian Seung : If we can really figure out the retina, perhaps we will have a shot at figuring out the vastly more complicated brain.

 SIMAGE : In the race for evolution, retina interfaces are bypassing the role of hand. The eye now grasps and controls information and it is beginning to control interfaces.

 Jean-Luc Godard : In “Praise of Love” (2001) an off-screen voice poses the question, “When did the gaze collapse?,” and pursues a possible response with another question, “Was it ten years, fifteen years, or even fifty years ago, before television?”

Roland Barthes : You see the first thing we love is a scene. For love  at first sight requires the very sign of its suddenness; and of all things, it is the scene which seems to be seen best for the first time: a curtain parts and what had not yet ever been seen is devoured by the eyes: the scene consecrates the object I am going to love.

SIMAGE : Human eye contact is a contact between what cannot be seen—hearts and thoughts. However, with iris biometric scanning, it is the complete identity of an individual that is being seen.
